

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

Hooking Bitbucket up with Jenkins parameterized jobs

Bitbucket repositories allow us to setup hooks which notify/trigger Jenkins' jobs about newly pushed code. The process to create such a hook is documented here. However, it doesn't mention how to integrate with Jenkins parameterized jobs.
After reading the Jenkins documentation and a few trial and error I managed integrate Bitbucket and Jenkins parameterized jobs.
The hook management form presents 4 fields:

  1. Endpoint: Here, you’ll need to set your Jenkins URL in the following format — http://username:apitoken@your.jenkins.url/job/your.job.name/buildWithParameters 
  2. Module name: (Optional)
  3. Project name: (Leave Empty)
  4. Token: It’s the authentication token you defined in your Jenkins job settings 

The gotcha is leaving the project name field blank and include it in the endpoint URL appended with buildWithParameters.